Devin Cahoon

Author – Artist – Storyteller

Works ranging from Children’s stories to the Supernatural and Fantasy

Sir Tashi and The Yeti

An epic turn of the century graphic novel depicting the journeys of Sir Tashi and his unique frendship with the Yeti,


The holy man smiled wryly and said with ill concealed  condescension “Truly you have become worldly wise. In that case what harm will it do if you ascend the Holy Mountain and return to sit on the throne having done your duty as their protector and King?”

Kanchenjunga was the tip of an iceberg adrift upon a sea of fog jutting high above the level plain, its north face  was a spillway that led upwards, a great high-road to the amphitheatre of the gods. The stony faces of its craggy peaks seemed set against the tiny trespasser. “You should not have come.” seemed to reverberate through every rock and glinting sickle of ice.

He continued on, the air growing ever thinner and the feeling more oppressive as he climbed. Tashi thought he could perceive things moving just beyond his sight like blue shadows, but when he turned his head to look at them straight on, there was nothing but rock and snow.